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How to Fix the mysqldump Error: “Couldn’t Execute FLUSH TABLES; Access Denied”

While using mysqldump to export a MySQL or MariaDB database, you might encounter the following error: mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘FLUSH TABLES’: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation

This error occurs because the user attempting to run mysqldump does not have the necessary PROCESS privilege, which is required to monitor server-wide operations and track ongoing processes, such as flushing tables and accessing system-level information.

Steps to Resolve mysqldump Error: “Couldn’t Execute FLUSH TABLES; Access Denied

To fix this issue, you need to grant the PROCESS privilege to the database user:

Log in to MySQL as a Root or Administrative User

#mysql -u root -p

Grant the PROCESS privilege to your user:

GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO 'your_user'@'your_host';

Flush the privileges to apply changes:


Retry the mysqldump command:

#mysqldump -u your_user -p your_database > backup.sql

Note: The PROCESS privilege is a global privilege that applies to all server-wide operations and cannot be limited to a specific database. Due to its global nature, you must use . when granting it, as restricting it to a particular database level (e.g., your_database.*) is not permitted for this privilege.

If you need expert assistance to fix the mysqldump error our team is here to help. Contact Skynats for comprehensive support and guidance on resolving this issue efficiently.

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