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How to Add Multiple IPs to the White List in Imunify360 via Command Line

Imunify360 is a robust security solution tailored to protect Linux-based web servers. A key feature includes the ability to whitelist IP addresses and countries, allowing legitimate users to bypass specific security protocols. This article will guide you on how to add Multiple IPs to the White List in Imunify360 via Command Line using the command-line interface (CLI).

Adding Multiple IPs to the White List

To add Multiple IPs to the White List in Imunify360, you can use a simple command. The first step is to gather all the IP addresses that need to be added to the whitelist and place them in a text file (e.g., list.txt). Each IP address should be on a new line. 

vim list.txt

Add each IP address and it should be on a new line. Save the file after adding IPs.

Once the IPs are listed in the file, you can execute the following command:

xargs -n 1 imunify360-agent ip-list local add --purpose white < list.txt

By running this command, you will successfully add all the IP addresses from list.txt to the Imunify360 whitelist.

Adding Countries to the White List

Imunify360 also provides an option to whitelist entire countries. This can be useful if you want to allow traffic from a specific country while blocking others. To whitelist a country, you need to use the following command:

imunify360-agent whitelist country add <country_code>

For example, to whitelist India, you would use the country code IN (which is India’s country code). 

The command would be:

imunify360-agent whitelist country add IN

You can find the country codes for other countries by visiting the following link: Country Code List.

Once executed, the command will add India to the whitelist, allowing traffic from that country to bypass any security rules set by Imunify360.


By using the Imunify360 command-line interface, you can efficiently add multiple IPs and entire countries to the whitelist. Whether you’re whitelisting specific IP addresses or broadening access to certain regions, this method provides a quick and effective way to configure your security settings. Always ensure that the country codes are correct, and the IP addresses in your list.txt file are accurate to avoid unintended access.

If you need further assistance with adding Multiple IPs to the White List in Imunify360 via Command Line or encounter any issues during the process, feel free to contact our support team for expert guidance. We’re here to help you ensure your server’s security is properly configured!

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