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AWS Lightsail CLI | Overview

Let’s examine AWS Lightsail CLI in more detail. We can solve your AWS Lightsail problems at Skynats using our AWS Management Services.

AWS Lightsail-CLI

The quickest way to get started with Amazon Web Services, Amazon Lightsail is preferred by web developers.

For a low, dependable monthly fee, you get access to instances (virtual private servers), container services, storage buckets, managed databases, SSD-based block storage, static IP addresses, load balancers, CDN distributions, DNS management of authorized domains, and resource snapshots (backups). We have everything we require to start the project right away.

In this article, we’ll go over how to generate an access key for the AWS Command Line Interface or the Amazon Lightsail API.

AWS Lightsail-CLI: How do I use it?

Using the Lightsail API or the AWS Command Line Interface requires the creation of a new access key (AWS CLI). The access key is composed of an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key. Follow these instructions to create the key and configure the AWS CLI to call the Lightsail API.

1. make a new access key

  1. First, log in and go to the IAM console.
  2. Then decide which user’s name you want to create an access key for. We should give the chosen user complete or limited access to Lightsail operations.
  3. select the Security credentials tabs.
  4. Choose the Create access key from the page’s Access keys section. Only two access keys are permitted.
  5. Finally, pay attention to the Access key ID and Secret access key listed. Select Show in the Secret access key column to display the Secret access key. We can copy the access key ID and secret access key from this screen, or we can select Download Key File to download an a.csv file with them in it.

2. Set up the AWS CLI

  1. First, install the AWS CLI.
  2. A terminal window or command prompt should now be opened to configure it. Put in the command:
aws configure

3. Then, copy and paste the AWS Access Key ID from the.csv file created previously.

4. Give the requested AWS Secret Access Key.

5. Give the AWS Region where the resources are located as well.

6. Lastly, pick a standard output format, such as JSON.


This article includes comprehensive instructions from our support team on how to create and configure an access key for AWS Lightsail or CLI.

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