When working with AWS RDS MySQL instances, you might encounter the error:
Error: You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled
(you might want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable).
This error indicates that although you have enabled binary logging, you lack the SUPER privilege necessary to perform certain actions, like creating functions or triggers. The recommended approach is to enable the log_bin_trust_function_creators setting. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do this:
Step 1: Create a New Parameter Group
First, log in to your AWS account, navigate to the AWS Management Console, and select RDS.
In the left-hand navigation pane, select “Parameter Groups.”.
You can create a new parameter group using the option “Create parameter group.”.
In the dialogue box, enter the parameter group name and description, and select the MySQL engine type and family that are compatible with your MySQL database version.
Step 2: Edit the Parameter Group
From the list, find and select the new parameter group (my-mysql-param-group).
Select the “Edit Parameters” option.
Then, search for the parameter “log_bin_trust_function_creators” and set the value to 1.
Save the changes.
Step 3: Modify the RDS Instance
Go to the RDS dashboard and then select “Databases.”.
Find and expand the MySQL instance.
Click the “Modify” tab at the top.
You could find the “DB parameter group” dropdown and choose your newly created parameter.
group from the drop-down list.
Click “Continue” to confirm the modifications.
Step 4: Apply the Modifications
After saving, wait for the modification to complete. The status of the instance will be “Modifying” during the process of making changes.
If needed, restart the instance.
The log_bin_trust_function_creators option, with its dynamic apply type, eliminates the need for a reboot. However, if necessary, you can restart the instance by selecting “Reboot” under “Instance Actions.”.
To enable the log_bin_trust_function_creators parameter on your AWS RDS MySQL instance, follow the above steps. This option enables users to construct functions and triggers without having SUPER privileges, resulting in faster database operations while maintaining the security of binary logging.
However, always make sure you understand the effects of modifying database parameters before doing such operations during maintenance windows or when minimal impact is expected.
If you have any questions or require assistance with “Enabling log_bin_trust_function_creators on AWS RDS MySQL Instance” please don’t hesitate to contact Skynats. Feel free to reach out to us with any queries you may have.