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How To: 302 Redirect DigitalOcean

302 redirect DigitalOcean is a momentary redirect. With a little guidance from our experts, learn to set it up.

Simply look at how our Technical Support team is prepared to assist clients with DigitalOcean’s 302 redirect.

How to set up a 302 redirect DigitalOcean?

The 302 redirect indicates that the change is only temporary. To put it another way, search engines must decide whether to keep the old page or replace it with the one discovered at the new location. If a URL requires to be served from a different location for a short amount of time, temporary redirects are helpful. During site maintenance, for example, a 302 redirect notifies our visitors that we will be back soon.

Fortunately, the mod_alias module’s Redirect directive allows us to complete simple and single-page redirects. Furthermore, the Redirect directive works with both the old and new URLs to create temporary and permanent redirects.

we can set up a temporary redirect in our server configuration by implementing the following lines:

<VirtualHost *:80>
	Redirect /

<VirtualHost *:80>
	. . .

The redirection above instructs the browser to direct all requests for to instead of the original domain name. It should be noted that this only works for the home page and not the entire website.

As per our Support Techs, the RedirectMatch directive can be used to redirect more than one page. Instead of a single file, this directive uses regular expressions to include entire directories. In addition, the RedirectMatch looks for frequent expression patterns in parenthesis that are related. The $1 expression then refers to the matching text in the redirect location, where 1 represents the first set of matching text.

For example, suppose we want to temporarily redirect all pages in to

<VirtualHost *:80>
	RedirectMatch ^/(.*)$\

<VirtualHost *:80>
	. . .

Furthermore, by default, the Redirect and RedirectMatch directives set a temporary redirect.

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