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AFP Server Debian | How To Setup?

In this article, we’ll examine how to configure the AFP server with Debian. As part of our Server Management Services, Skynats provides answers to all of your questions.

AFP Server On Debian

The Apple Filing Protocol (AFP), formerly known as AppleTalk Filing Protocol, is a proprietary network protocol that offers file services for macOS and the original Mac OS. In Mac OS 9 and earlier, AFP served as the primary protocol for file services.

AFP is one of several file services that the MAC supports, along with Server Message Block (SMB), Network File System (NFS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and WebDAV.

An AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) server’s sole component is AppleShare over TCP/IP. AFP servers are designed for Mac users. They can use the Mac’s “Connect to server…” command to establish a connection to the AFP server.

Linux user accounts and encrypted passwords will be used for login. Their home directory will be accessible. Mac users cannot use ssh to tunnel the connection unless they choose this option in the connection window.

Setting up AFP Server in Debian: Steps

The following are the primary steps to setting up an AFP server:

  • To begin, install netatalk.
  • Then set up afpd.
  • Finally, run afpd.

Let’s look more closely at each step.

Install netatalk

Use the following command to install Netatalk and the following commands to support encryption:

sudo apt-get install netatalk

Set up afpd

Disable every daemon but afpd at this point.

codetitle. /etc/default/netatalk


Enable ssh tunneling and demand secure authentication:

codetitle. /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf

-uamlist -advertise_ssh -fqdn <your domain here>

Execute afpd

To complete the process of adding an AFP server to Debian, run the AFP server using the command listed below:

/etc/init.d/netatalk restart


To sum up, in this article we have been shown the steps taken by our Support team to enable the AFP server on Debian.

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