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How to Allow Ping on pfSense?

How do you allow ping on pfSense? With the help of our Server Management Services, Skynats can help you find the solution to this problem.

Allow ping on pfSense

A firewall can host across a network by using ICMP echo requests known as “pings”. It will evaluate the response of the target host. Using these diagnostic packets, measure the latency between both the firewall and the target host. Pings are rarely employed. Even so, it can be highly useful while network debugging.

The ping service, which is integrated into nearly all operating systems, is accessible via the pfSense firewall. Administrators can benefit from pfSense’s ability to ping any machine from any designated interface. This article describes the steps required to enable ping on a pfSense firewall.

How to allow ping on pfSense?

  1. To begin, log in to pfSense.
  2. Then, navigate to Firewall >> Rules.
  3. To create a new rule, click [+].
  4. Verify the following details on the “Edit Firewall rule” page to allow ping on pfSense:
  • Action: Pass
  • Protocol: ICMP
  • ICMP subtypes: Echo request
  • Source: any
  • Destination: This Firewall
  • Description: Allow ping on WAN

5. Afterward, click the Save button.

6. Finally, click the Apply changes button.

Users will now be able to ping the WAN IP address of the pfSense firewall after completing this step. A simple ping test can also be performed from the console menu but without additional options such as hostname, IP Protocol, and so on.


Using the ping utility, administrators can ping any system on any interface from any interface. Integrating Ping into the firewall’s web interface is a good tool for administrators, as it is a vital tool. This article provides a straightforward method from our Tech Support team to allow ping on pfSense.

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