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Create AWS Lightsail Containers: A Quick Guide

In this article, let’s examine AWS Lightsail Containers in more detail. We can solve your AWS Lightsail issues at Skynats with the help of our AWS Support Services.

AWS Lightsail Container Services

A container service provided by Amazon Lightsail is a highly scalable computing and networking resource that enables the deployment, execution, and management of containers. To move an application quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another, code and its dependencies are combined into a container, which is a common unit of software.

A Lightsail container service can be created in any AWS Region where Lightsail is offered. When creating the container service for the first time, we must choose the capacity parameters, such as Scale and Power.

  • Scale

The number of compute nodes on which to execute our container workload. The container workload is replicated across the compute nodes of the service. For a container service, we can define up to 20 compute nodes.

  • Power

Each node’s Memory and virtual CPUs in the container service.

AWS Lightsail Container Services: How To Create?

To create a Lightsail container service without a deployment, we must carry out the steps listed below.

  1. Open the Lightsail console and log in.
  2. Then go to the Lightsail home page and click the Containers tab.
  3. Pick Create container service.
  4. On the Create a container service page, select Change AWS Region and then choose an AWS Region for the container service.
  5. Set the container service’s capacity.
  6. Give the container service a name. The name should have between 2 to 63 alphanumeric characters, including hyphens. A hyphen (-) can be used to separate words, but it cannot come before or after a name. Additionally, the name must be unique to each AWS Region in the Lightsail account.
  7. Choose one of the following to add tags to the container service: Add key-only tags, Edit key-only tags or Create a key-value tag.
  8. Finally, choose Create container service.

At this point, the new container service management page will appear. The new container service is currently in the Pending state while it is being created. The service’s state switches to Ready after a short while.

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