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Azure CLI create CDN

Microsoft Azure CLI makes it simple to create a CDN via the Azure Management Portal.

Today, we will examine how to configure Azure multi-factor authentication.

Azure CLI Content Delivery Network(CDN)

The key benefit of caching is performance improvement. Caching is used by Windows Azure to boost the speed of cloud services. The Content Delivery Network (CDN)stores blobs and other static content in the cache. The procedure entails storing the data and putting it in carefully selected strategic spots. As a result, it offers the widest possible bandwidth to users.

With the help of Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN), we can shorten load times, conserve bandwidth, and increase responsiveness.

Create CDN

a. To begin, we sign in to the Azure Management Portal.

b. Then, in the lower left corner, we select “New.”

c. Next, we choose “CDN” and then “APP Services.”

d. As a final step, we select “Quick Create”.

Manage CDN

In the list that is provided in CDN services, we first click on the Name of the CDN we wish to manage.

a. After that, we select “manage CDN.”

b. A new page will open up when we click the “manage CDN” button.

c. From the menu options at the top of the screen, we select “Country Filtering” in this instance.

d. After that, we choose Allow/Block and enter the directory.

e. On the following screen, we choose the country.

f. Next, we scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on “Cache Setting.”

g. we choose “Compression Enabled” and hit “Update.”

Compression is not turned on by default.

h. After that, we select “Analytics” from the menu options at the top of the page.

Custom Domain Name Mapping

An autogenerated CDN endpoint from the Azure service might not always be preferred over a custom domain name. Windows Azure offers new functionality that the CDN endpoint for the application can now be mapped to a custom domain name.

Check out the Azure Portal to see how we can accomplish this.

  • First, we click the ‘Manage Domain’ button we select from the bottom menu’s horizontal list.
  • We next complete the process by typing the custom URL into the text box.

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