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Azure Firewall Equivalent In AWS

In this article, let’s discuss the Azure firewall equivalent in AWS. Let’s examine Azure’s features and their significance with the aid of Azure Services.

The resources of the Azure Virtual Network are secured by Azure Firewall, a cloud-based, managed security service. It features fully scalable cloud architecture and built-in high access. The policies for apps and network connections across subscriptions and virtual networks can be created, enforced, and logged.

A static public IP address is assigned to the virtual network items by the Azure Firewall. Through external firewalls being able to recognize traffic from the virtual network For monitoring and analysis, the service will fully integrate Azure Monitor.

To safeguard themselves against online threats, Azure users must install a firewall. Within the Microsoft cloud, various Azure Firewall types serve a variety of functions. They act as connections between a particular region of the public cloud and the rest of the internet.

The Azure Firewall has the following characteristics:


To start, the Azure Firewall can scale up to accommodate shifting network traffic flows. Additionally, it was set up so that peak traffic was not taken into account.

Filtering Standard for Application FQDNs

We may define a list of fully qualified domain names (FQDNs), including wildcards, for outbound HTTP/S traffic. Without SSL, this feature cannot be finished.

Allow or reject network filtering rules

The source and location IP addresses, ports, and network filtering rules can be centrally assigned to allow or deny network filtering. To choose between legal packets for various types of connections, Azure Firewall is completely stateful. All accounts and virtual networks will be subject to the rules.

FQDN identifiers

It is simple to allow traffic from well-known Azure service networks to pass through the firewall thanks to FQDN tags. Let’s say we want to enable Windows to Update network traffic to pass through the firewall. A rule for an application can contain the Windows Update tag. The firewall can now accommodate network traffic for Windows Update.

Support for outbound SNAT

The public IP address of the Azure Firewall serves as the destination for all incoming virtual network traffic’s IP addresses (Source Network Address Translation). We can recognize and approve traffic coming from and going to distant Internet locations that originate in the virtual network.

DNAT assistance

Inbound data transmission to the firewall’s public network is altered and redirected to the private IP addresses of the virtual networks using DNS.

Logging in to Azure Monitor

All events will eventually be combined with Azure Monitor. Send logs to Log Analytics, stream them to an event hub, or store them on a storage server.

Why Azure Firewalls are Important?

Cloud services are essential to the structure and storage of the internet and use strong security measures that prioritize usage. Microsoft Azure firewall services provide security and assistance to businesses. This is done to protect their information and applications, especially those with basic requirements.

To summarize, the Azure firewall equivalent in AWS is a significant firewall security measure. With the backing of our Server support team, we have seen the significance of Azure.

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