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Chrome Update: Will Use Only HTTPS Version of Website?

Starting with version 90, Chrome’s address bar defaults to using HTTPS, enhancing both privacy and loading speed for users visiting websites that support it. Previously, when users typed a URL like “” without specifying “http://” or “https://”, Chrome would default to the insecure “http://” protocol, especially for first-time visits to a site. This approach made sense when most websites didn’t support HTTPS. However, with Chrome HTTPS upgrades, the browser now prioritizes secure connections, reflecting the growing adoption of HTTPS across the web.

For most typed navigations that don’t define a protocol, Chrome will now default to HTTPS. On all major platforms, HTTPS is the more stable and commonly used scheme in Chrome. This move increases the initial loading speed of sites that support HTTPS, as Chrome can link directly to the HTTPS endpoint rather than being redirected from http:// to https://. If an HTTPS attempt fails on a site that does not yet accept HTTPS, Chrome will fall back to HTTP (including when there are certificate errors, such as name mismatch or untrusted self-signed certificate, or connection errors, such as DNS resolution failure). This update will be available in Chrome 90 for Chrome Desktop and Chrome for Android, with a release for Chrome on iOS coming shortly after.

HTTPS protects users by encrypting network traffic, preventing attackers or eavesdroppers from intercepting or modifying sensitive data on websites. Chrome is dedicated to advancing security through Chrome HTTPS upgrades, making HTTPS the default web protocol. This update marks another step toward ensuring Chrome prioritizes secure, encrypted connections by default.

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