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Cloudflare WordPress Automatic Platform Optimization

Your website can benefit greatly from Cloudflare WordPress Automatic Platform Optimization. Discover how.

We at Skynats provide answers to all issues, no matter how small, as part of our Server Management Services.

Let’s look at how our support staff is prepared to assist clients in enabling Cloudflare WordPress Automatic Platform Optimization.

Cloudflare WordPress Automatic Platform Optimization: Overview

WordPress’ Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) service is a godsend for quicker page loads. In actuality, this service provides three essential features that are advantageous to website owners in the cutthroat environment of today:

  • Simple and quick setup
  • Faster page load time
  • Delivered via Cloudflare’s Edge network

In other words, site visitors can access all content more quickly and can view the first piece of content earlier.

How to Configure Automatic Platform Optimization?

  • First, navigate to the WordPress admin console.
  • After that, Install the WordPress plugin for Cloudflare. Our support engineers advise updating to the most recent version of the plugin if we already have it.
  • Create a new Cloudflare account or connect to an existing one directly from the plugin to authenticate the plugin after that.
  • After that, activate Automatic Platform Optimization in the Cloudflare section of the Home screen.

How does it work?

To cache dynamic content intelligently, APO uses the power of Cloudflare Workers. We can now use the edge network to serve the website. In other words, it functions similarly to a static site without the need to build or maintain a static site.

APO drastically decreases the number of round trips. This is a key factor in the success of Automatic Platform Optimization. It reduces the number of origin trips in the typical request flow, allowing the website to fetch and paint the webpage more quickly.

It is common knowledge that there are various metrics available to assess a website’s effectiveness. Low Page Load Speed is at the top of that list, as well. Our Tech Support team says that turning on Automatic Platform Optimization is straightforward when it comes to avoiding hosting congestion, sluggish database lookups, problematic plugins, slowly loading pages, etc.

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