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DBeaver SQL Server Backup | Overview

Today, we’ll examine how to create a DBeaver SQL Server backup. As part of our Server Management Services, Skynats provides answers to every inquiry we receive.

DBeaver SQL Server Backup

DBeaver is a database management software that also functions as SQL client system software. It has a JDBC API that can connect to databases using a relational database JDBC driver. It uses NoSQL databases and proprietary database drivers.

Both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases can be natively backed up and restored using DBeaver. The default DBeaver data transfer feature is distinct from this native backup/restore. The following are the primary steps for creating a DBeaver SQL Server backup:

  • First, set up the database native client.
  • Then choose the schemas you need.
  • Adding a few extra dump/restore parameters for the native tool.
  • In the end, you should back up a database to a SQL file.

Set Up The Database Native Client

The use of native backup/restore tools requires the configuration of the native database client. A native client is a group of programs that DBeaver will launch to perform an actual backup or restore. To set up the native client, we can use the backup/restore wizard or the driver editor dialogue.

Simply choose the Client button in the button bar. To customize a new client location, first, choose the Browse item and then enter the details for a new client in the dialogue box.

Choose The Necessary Schema

The schemas and tables that we need to back up or dump can be chosen using the database dump object selector.

Set up Database Native Tool

Now we must configure the native database tool. We can give the native tool a set of additional parameters for dumping/restoring. A particular set of configuration options may be available based on the type of database.

Backup A Database To SQL File

We need to carry out the following actions to create a DBeaver SQL server backup:

  1. First, in DBeaver, right-click the database and choose Tools >> Backup.
  2. After choosing the schemas we want to use, click Next.
  3. Additionally, choose Plain from the Format option.
  4. Then check the boxes next to the following choices: Never make a backup of a privilege (GRANT/REVOKE) or remove an object’s owner. Additionally, we can choose not to back up ownership or privilege declarations. This makes it simpler to switch to a new server. But be aware that ownership will transfer to the user who restores the database from a SQL backup.
  5. Finally, click Start to choose the backup procedure.


PostgreSQL and MySQL databases are supported by DBeaver’s native database backup and restoration functionality. This article contains the straightforward instructions provided by our Support team for creating a DBeaver SQL Server Backup.

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