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How To Fix DDoS Protection By Cloudflare Stuck?

Are you wondering how to fix a Cloudflare DDoS protection issue? We are here to assist you.

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DDoS protection by Cloudflare stuck

Generally, this is not a problem, as you will be redirected to the webpage you are attempting to open.

However, it can be alarming if the browser becomes stuck on that error message.

As a result, we will propose solutions to this problem in this article.

If you see this “Checking your browser before accessing” message, Cloudflare is verifying the legitimacy of your browser and determining whether it is running any malicious scripts.

The browser has become stuck Before accessing

Cloudflare is used to safeguard the website from hackers and to mitigate the effects of Distributed Denial-Of-Service attacks (DDoS).

This message is more likely to appear if the site owner is under a DDoS attack and has enabled the ‘Under Attack Mode‘ setting, which displays a JavaScript challenge to visitors when they visit your website.

A distributed DDoS attack occurs when hackers attempt to flood the webserver with requests in an attempt to bring the website down.

These attacks are mitigated through the use of Cloudflare protection.

However, occasionally, the protocol fails and you are redirected to the Cloudflare message page.

You can close the tab or restart the browser to see if that resolves the issue. However, there are times when this does not work and you must try something else.

If your browser becomes trapped on the ‘Checking your browser before accessing’ screen while you attempt to access a website, try these tips:

  1. To begin, scan your computer.
  2. Next, verify your computer’s date/time zone.
  3. After that, either disable add-ons or use Incognito Mode.
  4. Utilize a VPN; if you are already using one, disable it and observe.

Scan your computer

Scan your computer with your antivirus software.

Perhaps your PC is infected! AdwCleaner can help you determine if your browser has been hijacked.

Verify your computer’s date/time zone setting

If your computer’s date and time zones are incorrect, you will encounter a slew of applications and the service will cease to function.

And, because the Internet is time-zone-dependent, this error is unavoidable.

Therefore, check your computer’s Date/Time Zone setting and set it to automatic to resolve the error.

You can accomplish the same thing by following the provided steps.

  1. To begin, press Win + I to bring up Settings.
  2. Then, on the left, click Time & Language.
  3. Ascertain that you are on Date & time and utilize the toggles for an Automatically set time and Automatically set time zone.
  4. Restart your pc and verify that the problem has been resolved.

This, hopefully, will resolve the issue.

Disable add-ons or launch the browser in incognito mode

If you have a large number of add-ons or extensions, they can cause security services to fail.

This issue is frequently encountered with privacy-related extensions. Therefore, disable them and check to see if the issue is resolved.

Conversely, you could try starting your browser in Incognito Mode and seeing if that resolves the issue.

Use VPN; if you are already using one, disable it and observe

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is used to securely connect your computer to remote locations around the world.

Therefore, if you are not currently using a VPN, choose one from the list of best free VPNs for Windows.

If you are using a VPN, turn it off and observe.

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