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DigitalOcean PHPMyAdmin Backup Database | Set Up

Let’s examine the PHPMyAdmin backup database configurations for Digitalocean in more detail. With the help of our DigitalOcean Managed Services at Skynats, we can set this up.

Backup My MySQL to Digital Ocean Spaces

There are backups of the MySQL database in each DigitalOcean Space. We can back up MySQL databases using SimpleBackups to any cloud storage service, and we’re always adding new connections. Let’s examine how the MySQL backup should be configured and stored on DigitalOcean Spaces.

Developers can get services from DigitalOcean for a fair price. For backup storage, their DigitalOcean Spaces product makes the most sense. It is therefore an excellent option for SimpleBackups.

Prerequisites for DigitalOcean PHPMyAdmin database backup

  • First, we must register an account with SimpleBackups.
  • Once that has happened, we can determine that the server and the account are connected.
  • Additionally, we need a DigitalOcean account.

1. The DigitalOcean Spaces should be made.

To configure the DigitalOcean PHPMyAdmin backup database, follow the instructions below:

  • Login to your DigitalOcean account.
  • Afterward, Create a new “Spaces” using the create menu located in the upper right.
  • Then, finish filling out the “Create Spaces” form.
  • After that, we can choose the required region.
  • Simply select “Restrict File Listing.”

Finally, we need to select a name and associate it with the DigitalOcean project.

The process of creating the DigitalOcean Spaces is now finished. Don’t leave the DigitalOcean interface just yet; credentials need to be generated.

  • In this case, “myacme-space,” is the name of the “Spaces.”
  • The DO Space url indicates the “Spaces” Region, in this case, “San Francisco 2.”

Setting up DigitalOcean Spaces was straightforward, and acquiring credentials will also be simple.

2. Sync the Space with SimpleBackups.

  • Start by logging into SimpleBackups and navigating to the storage connect page.
  • Next, choose “DigitalOcean Spaces” a storage provider.
  • Lastly, use the data from step 1 to complete the “Connect the storage” form.

We must enter the Key, Secret, Region, and Bucket. Give the storage a name, then select “Save new storage.”

The list of storage must be redirected to the recently connected storage. The second step for the Digitalocean PHPMyAdmin backup database will be finished with this step.

3. Final stage: Create the MySQL backup

Now let’s configure that backup in SimpleBackups. We can specify what information is backed up and where it should be saved. This screen also allows us to specify the frequency of execution.

What to back up? (A)

  • Choose “Database” (we’ll just be establishing a MySQL backup).

Next, select the server that will house the database.

How often should we create this backup? (B)

  • First, select the timetable option. We have the option of using a pre-set schedule or creating our own. It allows us to use CRON syntax to schedule it whenever we want.
  • Next, the CRON schedule example for “20:00 every Tuesday” is equal to 0 22 * * 2.
  • After that, the “On-demand” option won’t plan anything. We will have the choice of manually starting the backup or using our API.
  • Lastly, Specify the number of backups to keep or the backup retention.

Select the database that needs to be backup (C)

  • Select the appropriate database type, in this case, “MySQL.”
  • Then finish filling out the database connection form.

Finalize and create

  • First, decide on a name for the backup and where to store it. The SimpleBackups interface will display the name.
  • The next step is to select or choose Storage.

The MySQL backup has finally been finished and connected to the DigitalOcean Spaces. Run it once manually to start the initial backup.

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