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DigitalOcean SSO | An Overview

DigitalOcean SSO immediately increases the security of data and resources for the DigitalOcean app without worrying about the time required for initial setup or future upgrades. All of your inquiries are addressed by Skynats as part of our DigitalOcean Support Services.

DigitalOcean SSO

We have the option to sign up for a DigitalOcean account using our email address, Google, or single sign-on (SSO). This approach allows for a one-click login to the Digital Ocean app. There are numerous additional advantages to using SSO as the login option for the account, including:

  1. The cost is determined by the customer’s usage.
  2. An adaptable identity provider (IdP) enables user migration from their current user store.
  3. Increase productivity by reducing the hassle of password management.
  4. Data access and security risk protection requirements are satisfied by SSO by facilitating regulatory compliance.
  5. Individual dashboards and self-reset passwords can be managed effectively with SSO, negating the need for external IT support.
  6. Only authorized users are permitted access to sensitive information.

DigitalOcean SSO Working Principle

When using the SSO solution, after entering our login information, we will arrive at a single dashboard from which we can access all cloud-based apps. Let’s examine SSO’s operation.

  • The user initially attempts to access the desired program or website. These apps and websites are produced by the Service Provider. DigitalOcean is the service provider in this case.
  • The app or website sends the SSO request to Identity Provider so that users can be authenticated.
  • The user then attempts to log in using the information given by his identity provider.
  • The Single Sign-On response is sent by the IdP to the website following successful IdP authentication.
  • Once the user has the SSO response, they are then able to log in and use the resource or application.
  • Finally, the user can access all other cloud apps and websites that have already been configured for SSO.


We can open a DigitalOcean account and choose SSO as the sign-up option. The main advantages of using SSO in DigitalOcean as well as how SSO functions generally are covered in this article.

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