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Disable Cloudflare Rocket Loader | How to?

It’s simple to disable the Cloudflare rocket loader. Rocket Loader gives website content priority while delaying the loading of all JavaScript.

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Let’s look at how to remove the Cloudflare Rocket loader in more detail.

Cloudflare Rocket Loader™

Rocket Loader™ is a lightweight virtual browser and asynchronous JavaScript loader for all purposes. After a window.onload, Cloudflare Rocker Loader™ will guarantee the safe execution of any JavaScript function. The window.onload time of a web page is increased by enabling the Rocket Loader™. This procedure has a significant benefit for raising your Google search ranking.

Page load times can be accelerated by the Cloudflare feature Rocket Loader. Unfortunately, it uses an aggressive approach, it’s still in beta, and it frequently breaks JavaScript. Deadline Funnel can occasionally be interfered with by the Rocket Loader feature.

Disable Cloudflare Rocket Loader™

A user can open the source code of your website and search for “rocket-loader” to see if it’s active by using Command + F or CTRL + F. This happens if it is contained within the code and the user is using Rocket Loader.

The core Cloudflare features can still be used even without Rocket Loader being enabled. To disable Rocket Loader, a user must go to their Cloudflare dashboard and choose the Speed option. To disable the function, click “Rocket Loader” at the bottom of the page.

You can also disable the Rocket Loader in your Cloudflare account by going to the Speed tab and selecting Optimization. There is a toggle button next to the Rocket loader that the user can use to turn it off.

If the user makes those changes but still needs help accelerating page speed, it might be preferable to work with a developer to find some other solutions. The settings that are suggested are some of those listed below.

  1. First, eliminate as many JavaScript scripts as you can from external sources.
  2. Furthermore, using one of the many plugins that are available to compress images

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