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How To Enable Debug Logs In Athena JDBC/ODBC Driver

With the help of this guide by our talented Support Team, we can troubleshoot logs in the Amazon Athena Java Database Connectivity JDBC/Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver.

The procedure entails logging into the Athena JDBC/ODBC driver in order to debug and nail down the cause why the debug logs cannot be enabled.

How do I enable the JDBC driver’s debug logs?

We must first configure the following features in the JDBC driver before proceeding with the procedure:

  • Choose 5 for LogLevel
  • Choose 1 for UseAwsLogger
  • For LogPath, we must specify a location on the host machine where the driver logs should be saved.

Put another way, we can enable logging in the business intelligence tool by configuring similar options.

We must restart the JDBC application and afterwards reconnect to the server for the new settings to take place. The following logfiles are located in the LogPath property of the Simba Athena JDBC Driver:

  • AthenaJDBC_driver.log file
  • AthenaJDBC_connection_[1234].log file

The driver will also send out log data to the standard output stream/System.out, if  the Logpath value is invalid.

How to allow debug logs in ODBC driver?

Our Support Techs have devised the following procedure to enable logging in the ODBC driver on a Windows machine:

  1. Choose ODBC Data Sources which can be found in the Start menu under Data Sources.
  1. Then, in the ODBC Data Source Administrator, go to the System DSN tab and select Add.
  1. Then, from the list of drivers, we’ll choose Simba Athena ODBC Driver.
  1. Following that, we’ll select Finish.

At this moment, a new wizard will appear, allowing us to enter information such as AWS Regions. Workgroups, schema, Amazon S3 output location, and AWS KMS.

  1. Then, before selecting OK, go to Logging Options and enter the following:
  • For Log Level, choose INFO.
  • On a Windows machine, select a Log Path.

Once we’ve completed the procedure. The ODBC driver logs can be found in the log path we chose in the previous step.

For Linux:

On Linux, we can enable logging on the ODBC driver by modifying the /opt/simba/athenaodbc/lib/64/simba.athenaodbc.ini file to enter the following:

  • Choose 5 for LogLevel
  • For LogPath, specify a path to the host.

For MAC:

On a Mac, we can enable logging on the ODBC driver by modifying  the /Library/simba/athenaodbc/lib/simba.athenaodbc.ini file to enter the following:

  • Choose 5 for LogLevel
  • For LogPath, specify a path to the host.

Then, in order for the new settings to take place, we’ll save the configuration file and restart the ODBC application.

Stuck in between? Our technical experts are here to solve it for you. Contact us.

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