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How to Fix an Invalid cPanel License Error?

cPanel is a web hosting graphical interface and automation tool based on Linux that was created to make the process of hosting a website easier. However, in some cases, users may receive an “Invalid cPanel License Error” message after logging into the tool on your cPanel server.  There are a variety of factors that can cause this error message to arise.

We’ll look at what’s causing the invalid cPanel license error message to show up and how to fix it.

What Causes the “Invalid cPanel License Error”?

The invalid cPanel license error can appear for a variety of reasons. Among the most likely causes are listed below.

  • Changes in the IP Address address
  • cPanel license has expired
  • Date and Time on the Server Have Changed
  • Issues with Connectivity

How to Resolve an Invalid cPanel License Error

Verify whether an active license is accessible for your server IP as the first step in resolving the invalid license error.

  • There is an official license verification page on the cPanel website, from which you can check the status of your cPanel license.
  • Copy and paste your server’s public IP address (the one it uses to send requests) into the box and click the Verify button.
  • The current status of your server, as well as the license history for your IP address, will be displayed.
  • You can tell if your license has expired, is valid, or is not based on the status displayed.

If your cPanel license is active, you can remove the “invalid cPanel license error” by following the steps below.

  • With SSH (Secure Shell Client) or Putty, you can connect to your server.
  • If you don’t have putty installed, you can also use your WHM to activate the cPanel license.
  • Use a web browser to access WHM at https://yourserverip:2087 (where ‘yourserverip’ is your server name).
  • Then, in the search terminal, type the command below.

This command will be the same for SSH and WHM terminals.

/usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt –force

Now, you must wait for the command to establish a connection with the cPanel licensing system. Once the command establishes a connection, you will see the message “updated successfully.”

If the activation command was not successful, you should contact the company that provides your cPanel licenses for assistance. 


There are instances in which users receive an invalid cPanel license error message on the cPanel server, which can be confusing. In this article, we discussed the most common reasons for this error to occur, as well as a possible solution to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Most of the time, updating the license status is sufficient to resolve the problem.

If the problem persists and you are having difficulty resolving it, please contact us for assistance. Our proactive cPanel server support team will be available to solve all your cPanel server issues.

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