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How to fix Empty Screen in Nagios XI for Wizard

The problem cause in some pages of XI come across empty screens. i.e, no configuration wizards appearing under the Configure menu.

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Follow the steps to fix the empty screen in Nagios XI.

Often the issue occurs when the wizards, components and plugins are not installed through the proper menu that leads to an issue in Nagios XI that includes “wiping out” all wizards.

As a result, it will be displayed in the web interface or you would see a blank page in a web browser.

Following is an Empty screen issue seen in Nagios.

Steps to fix the issue:

1. First  >> install  >> dashlet, component, or wizard.

2. Later proceed with  >> Admin menu  >>  select sub-menu from the left panel under the System Extensions.

For Dashlets: Manage Dashlets > Browse (select plugin installation file) > Open > Upload Dashlet

For Components: Manage Components > Browse (select component installation file) > Open > Upload Component

For Wizards: Manage Config Wizards > Browse (select wizard installation file) > Open > Upload Wizard

3. Don’t unzip the installation file prior to selecting it through “Browse”.

4. Don’t rename the installation files that lead to installation fail.

The name of the file should be: “somename”.zip. If we had a previous copy of the file and we download it again, naming our file “somename”(1).zip, will not work.

5. If you have made mistakes and erroneously installed a component in place of the wizard or vice versa, you just need to follow the steps given below.

Remove the problematic component/wizard by running in terminal as a root:

rm -rf /usr/local/nagiosxi/html/includes/components/somedashlet
rm -rf /usr/local/nagiosxi/html/includes/components/somecomponent
rm -rf /usr/local/nagiosxi/html/includes/configwizards/somewizard

Try and Re-install the companent/wizard.

If it displays the blank pages in the web browser, that may be due to a PHP error. Executive the command.

tail /var/log/httpd/error_log

Sometimes the error displayed on the screen while installing the plugin.

The plugin could not be installed – directory permissions may be incorrect

To check the permissions of “libexec” directory, Executive following in terminal:

ls -l /usr/local/nagios

The owner of “libexec” directory should be nagios:nagios and the permissions should be set to 775 (drwxrwxr-x). If this is not what we have, Executive command in terminal:

chmod 775 /usr/local/nagios/libexec
chown nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios/libexec
This usually fixes the empty screen issue.


In brief, follow the steps to fix ‘Empty Screen in Nagios XI’. You can also take our technical team support to fix the error on your behalf.

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