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Fixing failed register to iobroker in Nagios.

This type of issue typically arises when a custom operating system imposes limits on the maximum number of processes that can be executed. More often than not, Nagios users are the ones who encounter this problem. In one instance, while displaying a client’s report on the screen, an issue was identified with the Nagios check. Upon further investigation, the error message ‘Failed to register iobroker in Nagios’ was found in the logs, indicating a potential problem with the registration process.

Our technical team support will fix failed register to iobroker in Nagios under our server management plan. You can also take assistance from our technical team support 24/7 for fixing the error or any sort of installation and migration

Reason to cause – Failed to register iobroker in Nagios

Before we dig deeper into the solution part, let have a glance at the reason that cause this issue.

Following is the configuration for that particular check is

define service {

service_description fan

check_command check_cisco!snmpcommunitystring!sky@15

host_name SW-SRA-03

check_period 24×7 1/min 1/w

notification_period 24×7 1/min 1/w

contact_groups +admins,EuroFiber WAN

action_url /sky4nagios/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$

max_check_attempts 10

check_interval 10

retry_interval 1

first_notification_delay 10

notification_interval 9999

notification_options w,u,c,r,f,s

active_checks_enabled 1

passive_checks_enabled 1

notifications_enabled 1

check_freshness 1

freshness_threshold 3600

event_handler_enabled 0



Current Status: OK (for 1d 12h 9m 7s)

Status Information: Fans: OK – 2 Fans are running all good

Performance Data: total=2 err=0

Current Attempt: 1/10 (HARD state)

Last Check Time: 01-04-2021 09:28:18

Check Type: ACTIVE

Check Latency / Duration: 0,000 / 0,000 seconds

Next Scheduled Check: 01-04-2021 09:38:18

sometimes the check ends suddenly by showing some strange core worker errors in the Nagios.log.

The following what you see in the log.

Failed to register iobroker for stdout

Failed to register iobroker for stderr

such type of error is used to happen when the core worker tries to get the hold of stdout and stderr this finally leads to the error or fails. However is still launches the check, even though it will not be able to catch the output. At times, many different checks can fail at that time.

The following errors can be seen in the nagios.log file:

[1504231962] wproc: Core Worker 68003: Failed to register iobroker for stdout

[1504231962] wproc: Core Worker 68003: Failed to register iobroker for stderr

[1504231962] Warning: Check of host ‘SOME_HOST’ did not exit properly!

[1504231962] HOST ALERT: SOME_HOST;UNREACHABLE;SOFT;1;(Host check did not exit properly)

This is due to the custom operation system limits restrict

Generally, custom limits are defined in the /etc/security/limits.conf file.

This is one an example of limits in an openSUSE Leap 42.x:

# harden against fork-bombs

* hard nproc 1700

* soft nproc 1200

root hard nproc 3000

root soft nproc 1850

fixing the issue

By increasing the hard and soft values you can solve the problem.


># harden against fork-bombs

* hard nproc 10000

* soft nproc 10000

root hard nproc 10000

root soft nproc 10000

Ensure reboot the system after making necessary changes.


In brief, the issue is caused when a custom operating system limits restrict the max number of processes that can be executed. Need assistance fixes the error consult our technical team support to resolve the error on your behalf.

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