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Fixing Open VPN Error 10054

The VPN is a virtual private network system that provides VPN solutions for businesses to secure data communication.

Usually, the open VPN error 10054 will occurs when the server connection gets a reset.

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The main cause for “Open VPN error 10054”.

Usually, the open VPN works on the client-server model that means the client connects through the OpenVPN server where all the connection happens via this channel. That’s the reason when you try to reset the connection an error will be displayed on the screen.

Feb 12 17:41:39 2021 read UDP: Unknown error (code=10054)
Feb 12 17:42:10 2019 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)
Feb 12 17:42:10 2019 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed

This is due to the UDP packet that couldn’t be connected to the OpenVPN server.

The reasons causing the reset error.

Setting the wrong firewall

The reason for causing the reset error is due to the wrong firewall setting on the computer that runs the OpenVPN client. So the firewall blocks the connection the data packet doesn’t reach the server.

Even sometimes the firewall at the internet service provider (ISP) can also cause the error.

Wrong port forwarding

Whenever the VPN uses the Network Address translation firewall that required remote port forwarding where it connects with the port number with a specific address to the internet computer.

Fixing the OpenVPN error 10054.

First, you need to check the server connection.

Check the connection between the home computer and the OpenVPN server. Run the following command.

telnet <VPN address> <port>

Disabling the firewall.

If the connection is not reaching the server that’s due to home computer firewall. To isolate or disable the firewall you need to turn off the firewall and repeat the telnet check. If it is pop up the error message that means there is something beyond the computer firewall.

Editing the port forwarding rules

Check the port forwarding rules in the OpenVPN server and look for typos in the rules and try to fix them that resolve the OpenVPN error 10054.


 This blog will walk you through the typical reason to cause the error 10054, it’s mainly due to firewall setting or wrong port rules in the Open VPN server.

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