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How to Access phpMyAdmin on Linode?

Let’s take a closer look at how to access phpMyAdmin Linode. We at Skynats can take care of your Linode issues with our Server Management Services.

phpMyAdmin Linode

The free open source web application phpMyAdmin offers a GUI for managing MySQL databases, giving you a useful and efficient alternative to using the MySQL command line client. Although phpmyadmin is not pre-configured on Linodes, we can still install it by using a command that looks like one of the following in the package manager of the distribution:

sudo apt -y install phpmyadmin #Debian/Ubuntu systems

sudo yum -y install phpmyadmin #RedHat/CentOS systems

By going to Linode’s IP address and then typing /phpmyadmin, we can access the phpMyAdmin dashboard after the installation is complete.

The phpMyAdmin login information should never be entered over an HTTP connection. Therefore, we must make the phpMyAdmin dashboard accessible via HTTPS.

How To Access phpMyAdmin Linode?

1. To point the domain at the phpMyAdmin Linode, first, configure the name servers for the domain and add a DNS record using the Linode DNS Manager instructions.

2. Second, use Certbot to activate HTTPS.

  • To connect to the Linode, use SSH.
  • For Apache and Python authentication, install Certbot.
sudo apt-get install certbot python-certbot-apache
  • Run the Apache Certbot program.
sudo certbot --apache
  • Apply the Certbot script’s directions to create and deploy SSL certificates for the domain.
  • Update the Linode’s firewall to allow HTTPS access.
sudo ufw allow https

3. Finally, open the phpMyAdmin dashboard.

  • Enter the following URL into your browser, replacing with the domain’s address.
  • Enter the phpMyAdmin/MySQL Admin User and phpMyAdmin/MySQL Admin Password you chose when you deployed phpMyAdmin on the login page.
  • Once we have logged into the phpMyAdmin dashboard, we will be able to manage the MySQL database.


From the article, we will learn how to log into phpMyAdmin on Linode from our technical support team.

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