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How to choose the right cloud services for your business?

Nowadays cloud platforms have become a common choice for hosting preferences. The rates at which an instance is offered to a developer or customer are amazing. But do these services charge you as they advertise? This blog will explain in brief some pros and cons of different cloud hosting available today. Cloud hosting providers can be categorized into 3 or more units depending on the feature and pricing schemas provided by the providers. One must be careful while choosing a platform as they are many charges that accumulate with the instance that is normally not accounted for in pricing tables.

When looking at cloud hosting providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Compute Engine (GCE), Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Aliyon Cloud, etc, they come with charges for every bit of service provided. In these providers, each instance (CPU & RAM), Disk, Traffic(Incoming & Outgoing), IP(more than one), DNS are charged separately, hence if you are looking to host a website all these should be taken into consideration. Keeping apart the charges on other resources, the price that will endorse upon the traffic will always come as a surprise as they have much policy for different regions and connections.

Whereas Providers like DigitalOcean Cloud, Vultr Services, etc they provide a package on monthly basis with prepaid billing(safer), thus you will have more control of your bills. But the disadvantage of these services is that they have limited features compared to the first list. Also adding up of space or bandwidth, users are forced to choose the next bundle rather than increasing them individually. As of now, they offer additional disks in some regions.

Another option would be to choose dedicated cloud resources and build a server or environment on them. These are provided by companies like Linode Cloud. Here the resources can be used according to the need or availability of resources. The same is provided by IBM Cloud, OVH Cloud, RackSpace Cloud, M5 Cloud, etc but on a larger scale.

Apart from the above, we have many options like the storage is redundant and cloud-based while the resources are shared like Cloud VPS given by OVH, 1and1etc. The best you get of this is that they might offer unlimited bandwidth etc.

To conclude we suggest taking a statistical review before switching to a cloud resource and choosing one which is better according to the need of the application or website.

If  you face any issue or need any assistance in choosing the right cloud platform for your business, please contact our support team for a free consultation on live chat at

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