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How to clone Linode Server?

Cloning Linode server enables us to create a new server from an existing image of a Linode, which will be an exact copy of the existing one.

If you need to clone your Linode server and to manage your Linode server, our Linode expert teams are available always to set up it for you. Check our Linode management plan to know more details.

This guide shows you how you can clone a new Linode on your account with one of your existing disk and settings profiles.

1. Clone Linode

  • Access the Linode Cloud Manager by logging in.
  • Power off the Linode you want to clone if possible. This is advised to avoid data corruption.
  • Select Linode from the Create menu at the top of the Cloud Manager.
  • Click the Clone Linode tab in the Create New Linode form
  • Click on the Linode you want to clone under Select Linode to Clone From.
  • Choose a region and make a clone plan.
  • Give your new Linode a name and a label.
  • Click Create.

The process of cloning will begin. It can take some time depending on the size of your Linode. The percentage of completion will be shown in a status bar above the cloned Linode. While your Linode is being cloned, your new clone will appear in a powered off state on the Linodes tab. You’ll need to manually switch on your new Linode after the cloning process is finished.

Note: You won’t be able to choose a plan for your clone that is smaller than the Linode you’re cloning.

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