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How to fix Cloudflare 403 forbidden error

The reason to cause the Cloudflare 403 is due to Ip block, faulty rules set in. htaccess file, cache etc.

Our technical team support will fix the Cloudflare 403 forbidden error as a part of our server management plan. You can also take assistance from our technical team support 24/7 for fixing the error or any sort of installation.

How to fix Cloudflare 403 error

The error must be fixed from the server end as the error is caused by the server-side. Follow the steps to resolve the error.

First, you need to ensure the IP block set in the account for this run the command.

iptables - L INPUT - v -n 

Then check the .htaccess file to ensure any faulty rules set appeared in the file. In cases, any such rules appear in the file try to remove those rules and ensure whether the website is working fine.  

Try to clear the browser cache. Sometimes, the browser cache can also cause the error due to DNS cache. You can also access the website with some other browser cache if the site is working well without any error, then the error is due to browser cache.

We recommended enabling the SSL on the domain. Without an SSL certificate in the Cloudflare for a domain may lead to an error message.

So it is necessary to upload the SSL certificate in Cloud flare for the domain in order to access the website connection in a secure way.


This blog will walk through the Cloud flare 403 forbidden error caused by the server-end. The main reasons behind this are IP rules, permission rules, browser cache. Follow the steps to resolve the error. For further assistance, you can contact our technical support team.

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