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How To Fix Missed Schedule Post Error in WordPress

WordPress has an in-built feature that allows us to easily schedule posts to be automatically published at a later time. Sometimes you have noticed that some scheduled posts don’t get published at all.

On our cPanel server management plan with WordPress website hosted, these type of issues with troubleshooted and get fixed.

Causes Of Missed Scheduled Post Error in WordPress :

The wordpress hosting environment used or some plugins may cause this issue. WordPress uses a technology called cron or WordPress cron to automatically publish the post at the correct time. If your hosting environment or plugins used are affecting the cron jobs, then it will cause WordPress to miss some scheduled tasks to publish the posts.

How To Fix This Issue?

First important thing is to install a Missed Scheduled Post Publisher plugin in your WordPress. There are no settings needed for you to configure for this plugin to works. This plugin checks every 15 minutes on your website to see if any scheduled posts in cron have missed the scheduled time.

If it finds any missed scheduled item there, it will change the status from scheduled to published. This plugin will not create any impact on WordPress site speed.

Troubleshooting Missed Schedule Post Error in WordPress :

1. Check your WordPress time zone settings

You must set your time zone for WordPress first. Sometimes users forget to set the time zone and it will leads to use other different time zone for wordpress and it will create missed schedule error for posts.

You can set your correct time zone in the WordPress dashboard by simply goes to “Settings –> General page” and scroll down the Timezone option and from there you can choose the required timezone for you. Don’t forget to “Save Changes” button to save the settings.

2. Clear the WordPress cache

Sometimes the WordPress caching plugin also causes missed scheduled post issues, so we have to check that the WordPress caching plugin is properly configured to clear the cache for your WordPress sites at regular intervals. If the missed scheduled posts error gets then try to clear your WordPress cache.

3. Increase the WordPress Memory Limit

The WordPress Memory limit issue for your WordPress site will also cause this error. You can increase the memory limit for WordPress to use more server memory by adding the given line in your “wp-config.php” file ;


We are Managing many WordPress websites for our clients which will cover all the server related issues with your WordPress websites. If you are facing any issues with your WordPress sites our technical support team is available at any time.

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