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How to fix “VNC Server is not currently listening for cloud connections”

Usually, this type of error occurs when you try to connect with the VNC server. follow the steps to resolve this type of issue ‘VNC Server is not currently listening for cloud connections’.

Our technical team support will fix VNC services that cannot establish a connection between our device and the remote computer under our server management plan. You can also take assistance from our technical team support 24/7 will handle similar issues or any sort of installation and migration.

 The error was come across by the window users when the services couldn’t able to connect between the device and the remote computer.

Cause for ‘VNC Server is not currently listening for cloud connections’ error.

Common causes for this error:

May due to a remote computer was not connected to the internet.

1. The remote computer is not connected to the Internet

2. When the remote computer is asleep

3. Ensure and check under the connections heading whether the VNS servers option was disabled for the cloud connection.

Steps to fix ‘VNC Server is not currently listening for cloud connections’ error

Follow the steps to fix the error.

Ensure whether the remote computer is connected to the internet. (if not please make sure of it)

Due to a remote computer is asleep.

Note: prevent remote computer sleeping when remote access is required.

Windows: In Control Panel > Power Options > Change when the computer sleeps, ensure to Put the computer to sleep when plugged in is Never.

Mac: In System Preferences > Energy Saver, ensure to prevent the computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off is selected.

After that check, under the connection heading ensure that cloud connection is in the VNC servers options dialog. If it is a green tick that indicates that the VNC server is functioning properly without any error.

Finally, restart the VNC server and/or the computer running the VNC server.

For the windows, it’s done via services utility.

For the Mac/Linux >> right-click the VNC server icon in the system tray (clock) >> stop >> VNC server.later launch the VNC server from the applications menu.


In brief, follow the steps to resolve the error ‘VNC Server is not currently listening for cloud connections’. need assistance from our technical team to fix the error on your behalf.

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