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How To Install CentOS Web Panel And Configure With PHP Selector

The CentOS Web Panel, also known as CWP, is an open-source server with a feature-rich control panel for easy server management. CentOS makes user management easier because it has a lot of automation features and long-term release cycles. Notably, CentOs streamlines and simplifies server management for businesses that require a high level of security.

We get a lot of questions about how to install and configure the CentOS web panel (CWP) as a leading server management company. We’ll show you how to install CentOS web panel (CWP) and configure it with PHP Selector in this article.

Let us just take a look at some of the great attributes of the CentOS web panel before we get into how our server engineers perform the installation.

Features of the Centos Web Panel

  • In comparison to other free open sources Linux distros, it has a higher level of stability. 
  • Community support at a high level.
  • CentOS is dependable and fast.
  • cPanel migration and live monitoring.
  • User interface that is simple to use.

The Web server, PHP, User management, Security, Email, MySQL, System, and DNS oriented features of a CentOS server can all be configured using CWP. However, if you want to learn how to install a CentOS web panel, your server must meet certain requirements, such as

  • An updated version of Centos Server.
  • The minimum RAM for a 32bit server is 512 MB and 64bit Server- 1024 MB   
  • 10 GB of free disc space 
  • static IP address

How to Install CentOS Web Panel and Configure PHP Selector

The CentOS web panel installation is straightforward and can be completed on your own. To install the CentOS web panel, go through the following steps:

>> cd /usr/local/src

>> wget

>> sh

Then you can create a patched suPHP to make the PHP Selector function. SuPHP should be downloaded or unpacked.

>> cd /usr/local/src/

>> wget

>> cd suphp-0.7.1

Follow the given instructions below to apply the Patches:

>> wget

>> tar xfz cl-apache-patches.tar.gz

Use the following code piece to apply the patch:

>> patch -p1 < suphp-0.7.1-cagefs.patch

If the Apache version is 2.4, we’ll need to change the configure file to use suPHP sources. For that, use the code below.

>> vi configure

Locate the code section listed below.

major_version=`echo $APACHE_VERSION|cut -f1,2 -d.`

if test “$major_version” = “2.0” -o “$major_version” = “2.2”; then






And replace the code in the line “if test” with the following code fragment:

 if test “$major_version” = “2.0” -o “$major_version” = “2.2” -o “$major_version” = “2.4”; then

Build suPHP using the code provided below once the changes have been made.

>> ./configure –with-apr=/usr/local/apr/ –with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -with-setid-mode=paranoid –with-apache-user=nobody –with-gnu-ld –disable-checkpath –sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc –sbindir=/usr/local/sbin

>> make

>> make install

Confirm that the suPHP binary contains the required code after it has been completed successfully. If the output outcomes look like the ones below, you’ve completed the installation process successfully.

—- > strings /usr/local/sbin/suphp | grep jail

lve_jail_uid CageFS jail error

If you don’t get any output, go back and check all of the procedures from the start to find the problem and fix the error.

Finally, make the following changes /etc/cl.selector/native.conf: as shown below.

php=/usr/local/bin/php-cgi php-cli=/usr/local/bin/php php.ini=/usr/local/php/php.ini php-



The instructions in this article will show you how to install CentOS Web Panel and configure it with PHP Selector. Even if you followed the installation process exactly and didn’t make any mistakes, there’s a possibility you’ll get an error. Skynats Technical experts are available 24×7 offering the best server support services.

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