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How to Set Up Git on Ubuntu 24.04

Git is a powerful, open-source version control system that allows developers to track changes in their codebase, collaborate with others, and manage their projects efficiently. Setting up Git on Ubuntu 24.04 is a straightforward process, whether you’re installing the default version or a specific release. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to install Git on your Ubuntu 24.04 VPS.


Before you begin, ensure you meet the following prerequisites:

  • SSH root access or a system user with sudo privileges.
  • An Ubuntu 24.04 VPS.
  • A minimum of 2GB of RAM.

Step 1: Connect to Your Ubuntu 24.04 Server via SSH

The first step is to log into your server using SSH. Open your terminal and use the following command to connect:

ssh root@ip_address -p port_number

Replace ip_address with the actual IP address of your server and port_number with the SSH port number (usually 22).

Step 2: Update Your System

Once you are logged in, run the following commands to update and upgrade your system:

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 3: Methods to Set Up Git on Ubuntu 24.04

There are two main methods to set up Git on Ubuntu 24.04: installing the default version or installing a specific version.

Method 1: Install the Default Version of Git

Git is often pre-installed on Ubuntu systems, so before installing it, you should check if it’s already on your server. To check, run:

git --version

If Git is installed, you’ll see the installed version number in the output.

If Git is not installed, you can easily install it from Ubuntu’s official repositories with the following command:

sudo apt install git

After installation, verify Git is installed by running:

git --version

Method 2: Install a Specific Version of Git

If you need a specific version of Git, follow these steps:

  • Install Required Libraries: To build Git from source, you’ll need to install some essential libraries:
sudo apt install build-essential libz-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettext cmake gcc -y

Download the Git Source Code: Next, download the source code for the version of Git you wish to install(replace the version number with your desired version):

curl -L -o git-2.45.2.tar.gz

Extract the Downloaded File: Extract the contents of the tarball:

tar -zxf git-2.45.2.tar.gz

Compile and Install Git: Navigate to the extracted folder and compile Git:

cd git-2.45.2/ 
make prefix=/usr/local all 
sudo make prefix=/usr/local install

Verify the Installation:

git --version

Git on Ubuntu 24.04 offers easy installation, secure updates, and seamless integration with IDEs like VS Code and IntelliJ. The command line provides flexibility, while customization options allow automation to boost productivity. With optimized performance and a secure version control system, it’s ideal for collaborative development.

If you face any difficulties during the process to Install Git on Ubuntu 24.04, contact our support team for expert assistance. We’re here to help!

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