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How to Install Webuzo Control Panel

How to install Webuzo control panel on a fresh server is a simple process that enables hosting services with the ability to install numerous applications. Webuzo is a versatile multi-user shared hosting control panel, making it ideal for shared hosting setups by introducing multi-user functionality. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to install Webuzo v4 on a fresh server.


Webuzo is designed for simplicity while providing robust features. Whether you’re setting up a DNS-only server or a full LAMP stack with additional applications, Webuzo streamlines the process.


Before proceeding with the installation, ensure your server meets the following prerequisites:

  • Operating System:




Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Rocky Linux 


  • Packages: yum, apt-get, tar, wget must be installed.
  • System Resources:

RAM: Minimum 1GB (2GB recommended for best performance)

Disk Space: Minimum 5GB (10GB recommended)

  • Open Ports: Ensure the following ports are open: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 21, 22, 25, 53, 80, 110, 143, 443, 465, 587, 993, 995, 3306

Steps to Install Webuzo Control Panel

1. Access Your Server : Open a terminal and SSH into your server as the root user.

2. Download the Installer
Run the following commands to fetch and prepare the Webuzo installation script

wget -N
chmod 0755

3. Run the Installation Script
Execute the installation script


This installs the LAMP stack, DNS server, and FTP server, along with Webuzo.

4. Customizing Your Installation

You can customize the apps installed during the setup by using the –install parameterWith Default Apps: Install the default stack by running

  • Default apps include: Apache 2.4, MySQL 8.0, PHP 7.3, Pure-FTPd, Bind, Exim, Dovecot, GIT, Web Disk

With No Apps: To install Webuzo without any applications:

./ --install=none

You can later install apps via the Webuzo Admin Panel.With Selected Apps: Specify apps to install by passing their names:

./ --install=apache2,mariadb108,bind,exim,dovecot,php81,php74

5. Accessing the Admin Panel

Once installed, access the Webuzo Admin Panel at


Use your server’s root credentials to log in.

6. Configuring the Panel

  • Set Server IP, Hostname, and Nameservers: Configure these settings for smooth operation from the Admin Panel.
  • Create a User: Add end users from the admin interface.

Access the Enduser Panel: Users can log in to manage their hosting environment.

Looking to enhance your hosting experience with Webuzo? Our expert team is ready to assist you. Visit our website for comprehensive guidance on How to Install Webuzo Control Panel and ensure your server setup is fully optimized today!

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