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How to Resolve the “Failed Building Wheel for mysqlclient” Error

When working with Python applications that require MySQL databases, you may encounter the error Failed building wheel for mysqlclient during installation. This error often arises because the necessary development headers and libraries for both Python and MySQL are missing from your system. Fortunately, fixing this issue is relatively straightforward. In this blog, we’ll walk through the steps to resolve this error and successfully install the mysqlclient library. The mysqlclient library is a Python package that provides a MySQL client interface, allowing Python applications to interact with MySQL or MariaDB databases. 

Steps to Resolve the Issue “Failed Building Wheel for mysqlclient”

To resolve this issue, you need to install the necessary development libraries. Install Required Dependencies. Open your terminal and install the development headers for Python 3 and MySQL by running the following command:

On Ubuntu Server

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev build-essential pkg-config

On Red Hat / CentOS Server

sudo yum install python3-devel mysql-devel pkgconfig

Install mysqlclient via pip3:

Once the dependencies are installed, you should be able to install the mysqlclient library without issues. Run the following command:

pip3 install mysqlclient

This will fetch and install the package, and it should now compile successfully without the wheel error.


If you still encounter issues after following the steps above, it’s a good idea to check whether you have the correct MySQL server and development libraries installed. Additionally, ensure that your environment has the proper permissions and that you’re using the correct version of Python and pip.


The “Failed building wheel for mysqlclient” error is a common issue that can be resolved by installing the required development libraries for Python and MySQL on linux servers. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can quickly resolve the error and continue working with MySQL databases in your Python projects. If issues persist, don’t hesitate to seek support from user forums or consult the documentation for additional guidance.

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