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How to Troubleshoot 502 Bad Gateway Error in Nginx

Every time when we browse a site, then the webserver receives the request and processes it, and sends back the requested resources including the HTTP header and HTTP status code. 502 Bad gateway is the server-side error and it happens when a server that acts as a gateway or proxy received an invalid response from a different server. Troubleshooting 502 Bad Gateway Error in Nginx is a bit easy process by identifying the proper error on logs.

Our experts will Troubleshoot the 502 Bad Gateway Error in Nginx and make the websites live under all our server management plans.

For different types of browsers 502 bad gateway error varies like;

  1. HTTP Error 502 Bad Gateway
  2. HTTP 502
  3. 502 Service Temporarily Overloaded
  4. Temporary Error(502)
  5. 502 Server Error: The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request
  6. 502 Bad Gateway Nginx

Different types of methods to Troubleshoot 502 Bad Gateway Error in Nginx.

  1. Clear the browser cache and refresh the page.
  2. Check the DNS is propagating properly.
  3. Check the load on the server and fix it if there is a high load.
  4. Check the Nginx error logs.
  5. Check if the port 80 / 443 is blocked in Firewall
  6. Check and confirm is there is any connection timeout error on the Nginx error log.
  7. Make the necessary changes on Nginx conf and restart Nginx.

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