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How to uninstall Engintron on the cPanel server

A Step-by-Step Guide to Uninstalling Engintron on a cPanel Server


Engintron is a popular open-source Nginx integration for cPanel servers, designed to improve server performance. However, there may be instances where you need to uninstall Engintron from your cPanel server. This article will guide you through the process of uninstalling Engintron step-by-step, ensuring a smooth transition back to the default server configuration.

Step 1: Preparation Before proceeding with the uninstallation process, it’s crucial to make sure you have a complete backup of your server’s data, configurations, and any important files. This ensures that you can restore your system in case of any unexpected issues during the uninstallation process.

Step 2: Accessing cPanel and Terminal Log in to your cPanel server using the appropriate credentials. Once logged in, navigate to the “Terminal” or “SSH Access” section within cPanel. This will provide you with a command-line interface to execute the necessary commands for uninstalling Engintron.

Step 3: Disabling Engintron To begin the uninstallation process, you need to disable Engintron first. Run the following command in the terminal:

engintron disable

This command will disable Engintron and revert the server configuration to the default settings.

Step 4: Removing Engintron Files After disabling Engintron, you need to remove its files from the server. Execute the following command:

rm -rf /etc/nginx /etc/nginx.bak /etc/cpnginx /etc/cpnginx.bak /root/engintron.log

This command will delete the Engintron-related directories and log file.

Step 5: Restoring Apache Configuration Engintron modifies the Apache configuration during installation. To restore the original Apache configuration, you need to run the following command:


This command rebuilds the Apache configuration file based on the default settings.

Step 6: Restarting Apache Once the Apache configuration is restored, restart the Apache service to apply the changes. Use the following command:

service httpd restart

This command restarts the Apache service and ensures that the changes take effect.

Step 7: Verification To ensure that Engintron has been successfully uninstalled, you can check the server status. Visit your website in a web browser and verify that it is accessible without any issues. Additionally, you can check the server’s Nginx status by running the following command:

service nginx status

If the Nginx service is no longer active, it indicates that Engintron has been uninstalled successfully.


Uninstalling Engintron from your cPanel server is a straightforward process that involves disabling Engintron, removing its files, restoring the Apache configuration, and verifying the server status. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can seamlessly uninstall Engintron and revert back to the default server configuration, ensuring optimal performance and stability. Remember to proceed with caution, backup your data, and consult with your server administrator or hosting provider if you encounter any difficulties

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