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Install and Secure phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 18.04

Why do users favor Installing PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu?

Because PHPMyAdmin enables users to interact with MySQL via a web interface

As part of our Server Management services, we frequently receive requests from clients to install PHPMyAdmin.

We’ll look at installing PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu.

The Importance of PHPMyAdmin

Frequently, server administration entails Database management. Users might not find comfort interacting with the system exclusively from the MySQL prompt, though. Herein lies the value of phpMyAdmin, which was developed to enable user interaction with MySQL via a web interface.

The user interface is used to carry out common operations like managing databases, tables, indexes, permissions, and so forth.

The following are some of the features:

  • MySQL database management.
  • Web interface.
  • Run customized SQL queries
  • Multiple-server administration
  • Able to import and export data in a variety of formats, such as SQL, XML, and CSV
  • The ability to manually backup MySQL databases

PHPMyAdmin Installation on Ubuntu

Let’s look at how phpMyAdmin is installed and secured by our tech support team in this article so that users can use it to manage databases on an Ubuntu 18.04 system securely.

It is essential to have the server’s root access and the ufw firewall configured as prerequisites. LAMP needs to be set up on Ubuntu 18.04 server.

Importantly, phpMyAdmin can be installed from the default Ubuntu repository.

  1. We first update the package index on the server.
apt update && upgrade
  1. Following the installation of PHP extensions and PhpMyAdmin for managing non-ASCII strings and other required tools, run the following command:
apt install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext
  1. When prompted to choose a web server during command execution, we select Apache2 and ENTER.
  1. Additionally, we have the choice of either automatic setup or manual database creation in the following step. Pressing ENTER for yes makes the automatic installation our choice.
  1. The next step is to configure the PhpMyAdmin password.
  1. Again, the PHP extension is enabled.
phpenmod mbstring
  1. After that, Apache must be restarted for the changes to take effect:
systemctl restart apache2

By visiting http://ip/phpmyadmin, we confirm the installation of PhpMyAdmin.


PHPMyAdmin enables users’ interaction with MySQL via a web interface and simplifies MySQL database administration. Today, we discovered how our technical support team installed PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu.

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