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How to Install MongoDB on cPanel?

Before Installation process starts, you will have to create the database of mongo from shell (shh/putty) and administer them from there (cloud or VPS). Interestingly, installing MongoDB is a short and easy process.

Follow the steps below to start the installation process:

  1. MongoDB repo Installation


2. Create the file MongDB.repo

Nano – w mangodb.repo

3. Paste the code below inside


name=MangoDB Repo

Base Url=http:// downloads-distro.mongodb.orgo/repo/redhat




4. MongoDB Installation using yum

yum install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server

(By this point, you should have MongoDB Installed on your centos + cPanel box)

5. MongoDB configuration to automatically start after reboot:

Chkconfig mongod on

6. Start MongoDB:

Service mongod start

7. Use PECL command to Install MongOD PHP extention

pecl Install mongo

8. Restart Apche and that helps apply changes:

service httpd restart

9. Varify the Installation with the command shown below

Php -I | grep mongo -i

(Once you see the MongoDB extention in the output, you are successfully done with the Installation)

If you need any assistance, consult our technical team support.

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