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Let’s Encrypt – Free SSL Provider

The most commonly available means of securing connections between client and server is to enable ssh connection. Many companies authorize certificates used by the server to secure the connection, but most of them cost more than hosting rentals.

Let’s Encrypt provide free SSL whose certificates are verified by Linux Foundation and supported by major providers. The SSL provided has a limited validity of 90 days and is considered more secure than a year old cert because of its renewal procedure which happens every 2 months if set up correctly. Apart from the feature, it is free, it has all the high-grade security encryption provided by paid authority certificates.

Major Linux control panels have implemented and integrated SSL along with their system. Plesk/Odin have added an extension to their system and cPanel/WHM have implemented it as a feature. The great thing about these plugins is they are automated and last forever, so setting up SSL is a one-time task and every site on the web can be moved to SSL for better security.

If you have any queries or need any assistance, please contact our support team for a free consultation on our live chat at

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