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How to Install Let’s encrypt wild card SSL?

To Install Let’s encrypt wild card SSL, you can follow these general steps:

  • Prerequisites:
    • Ensure that you have root access to your server or have administrative privileges.
    • Make sure your server meets the requirements for Let’s Encrypt installation (e.g., running a supported operating system, having a web server installed).
  • Install Certbot:
    • Certbot is a popular tool for managing Let’s Encrypt certificates. Install Certbot on your server by following the instructions specific to your operating system. You can find detailed installation instructions on the Certbot website.
  • Obtain Wildcard SSL Certificate:
    • Run the following command to obtain a wildcard SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt using Certbot:
sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns -d
  • Replace with your actual domain name.
  • DNS Challenge:
    • Certbot will provide you with a DNS challenge, which involves creating a DNS TXT record with a specific value to prove domain ownership.
    • Access your DNS management console (usually provided by your domain registrar or DNS service provider) and create a new TXT record with the name and value specified by Certbot.
  • Verify DNS Challenge:
    • After creating the TXT record, wait for DNS propagation (usually a few minutes).
    • Run the command provided by Certbot to verify the DNS challenge:
sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns -d *
  • Certbot will attempt to verify the DNS challenge. If successful, the wildcard SSL certificate will be generated and saved on your server.
  • Configure Your Web Server:
    • Depending on your web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx), you need to configure it to use the Let’s Encrypt wildcard SSL certificate.
    • Refer to the official documentation for your specific web server on how to configure SSL certificates. You will typically need to specify the path to the certificate files in your server configuration.
  • Automatic Renewal:
    • Let’s Encrypt certificates have a 90-day validity period. To ensure uninterrupted service, set up automatic renewal of the wildcard SSL certificate.
    • Use Certbot’s automatic renewal feature by setting up a cron job that runs the following command:
sudo certbot renew
  • The cron job will check for certificate expiration and automatically renew it when necessary.

Remember to consult the official documentation for Certbot and your web server for detailed, up-to-date instructions tailored to your specific environment and configuration.

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