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Maintaining share hosting site performance.

 Most of the websites are hosted on a physical server so if one application affect all other sites hosted on the server. The shared hosting providers must be diligent while monitoring and performing on the servers in order to ensure whether the application is running smoothly without any malware attack. Shared hosting providers with help of the right tools they try to improve the site performance for their client while boosting overall revenue.

By updating CMS that might reduce the vulnerabilities on the server. We maintain a shared hosting site performance under our server management services plan.

Many Customer Tickets Involve Performance Complaints

Generally, small website owners prefer a shared hosting environment that runs on a content management system (CMS) without understanding the basic impact of plugins or using outdated software.


WordPress is a free and open-source content management system software found on small websites, but the users don’t understand the impact of installing dangers plugins into the website. With thousands of plugins installation can fall the victim to vulnerabilities.

 In many cases, the plugin developers don’t code for optimization, the website runs smoothly in the meantime until the website receives traffic, but when queries and other requests can cause serious performance degradation.


In order to replace HTTP with HTTPS, most websites use at least one ads plugin, menu plugin, search function and output buffering plugins. For the small site, it won’t display any noticeable performance issue until or unless the traffic grows, it is not an easy option to remove the plugins from the owner’s website but replacing them with more optimized option is the only solution for both website owner as well as shared host provider hosting site.


Another issue arises when the CMS software site often run on an outdated version of PHP.over 15 % of WordPress sites use outdated vulnerable PHP versions. Thousands of the website are supported in one single hosting server. 

Shared host providers should approach PHP related issues and must stay proactive. Should get quick solutions to the issues and suggest to customers who log tickets about performance and other PHP error.

Tickets on performance issues are difficult to troubleshoot, and they can pile up when performance affects an entire server. If administrated makes delay or unable to resolve the issue that leads to losing revenue as well as the customers. Ensure to provide a quick resolution to an issue and maintain the site performance on a shared host. 


In short, by maintaining site performance on shared hosting by this blog you will get an apparent view to update CMS that might reduce the vulnerabilities on the server. Consult our technical team support for more details.

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