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Manually Updating phpMyAdmin in Webuzo Control Panel

phpMyAdmin is a popular web-based database management tool, and keeping it updated is crucial for security and functionality. Webuzo does not always provide the latest version automatically, so manual updates are necessary in some cases. Follow these steps to manually update phpMyAdmin in Webuzo Control Panel:

Step 1: Login as Root

Access your server via SSH as the root user:

ssh root@your-server-ip

Step 2: Download the Latest phpMyAdmin Version

Use wget to download the latest version of phpMyAdmin. Ensure you check the official phpMyAdmin website for the latest release and update the URL accordingly.

wget -O /tmp/ ""

Step 3: Unzip the Downloaded Package

Extract the phpMyAdmin files to the /tmp/ directory:

unzip -o /tmp/ -d /tmp/

Step 4: Replace the Existing phpMyAdmin Files

Copy the extracted files to the Webuzo phpMyAdmin directory:

yes | cp -rpf /tmp/phpMyAdmin-5.1.1-all-languages/* /usr/local/webuzo/web/enduser/phpmyadmin/

Always create a backup of the existing phpMyAdmin directory before replacing any files.

Step 5: Clean Up Temporary Files

Remove the installation files to free up space:

rm -rf /tmp/phpMyAdmin-5.1.1-all-languages
rm -f /tmp/

Step 6: Verify the Update

Open phpMyAdmin from the Webuzo Control Panel and check the version displayed in the interface to confirm that the update was successful.

Note: If you encounter any issues, clear your browser cache and restart Webuzo services to ensure proper loading of the updated files.

service webuzo restart

By following these steps, you can keep your phpMyAdmin installation up to date and secure on Webuzo.

If you encounter issues or need assistance with manually updating phpMyAdmin in the Webuzo Control Panel, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. At Skynats, we specialize in Webuzo Server Management Services, providing expert support to ensure your server and applications run smoothly. Whether you’re dealing with complex configurations or need help troubleshooting, our experienced technicians are here to assist you every step of the way.

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