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How To Redirect HTTP To HTTPS In cPanel Godaddy

Redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS can be done quickly with this simple tutorial.

Look at how our Technical Support Team can help customers move from HTTP to HTTPS in cPanel Godaddy. This is how it works:

Google rates websites based on whether or not users use SSL certificates. As a result, websites that do not use HTTPS tend to fall in the rankings. Furthermore, they are marked as “Not Secure.” It is a smart option to redirect HTTP to HTTPS because they will have a significant impact on web traffic. It also provides improved accessibility, optimal safety, and compliance.

How to edit .htaccess file to redirect HTTP to HTTPS

The.htaccess files contain instructions for how the server should react in various situations. Even so, we must concentrate on the Redirects and Rewriting URLs directives in this situation. There are several ways to edit the.htaccess file, as shown below:

  • On your computer, edit the.htaccess file and upload it to the server via FTP.
  • Edit the file remotely using the FTP’s Edit option.
  • Edit the file using a text editor
  • Either, you can edit the file by cPanel’s File Manager.

After uploading the file, we must also ensure that the correct permissions to the.htaccess file are in place.

HTTP to HTTPS redirect cPanel 

Fortunately, redirection in cPanel is simple and only takes a few minutes. The hosting provider needs to provide SSL certificates in addition to enabling the certificates for the websites as a prerequisite for the method.

And after that, using one of the processes described in the previous section, edit the.htaccess file and add the following code:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) HTTPS://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

Besides that, if the “Rewrite Engine On” setting is already present in the.htaccess file, we do not need to duplicate the file.

Instead, we can add a redirect by navigating to Home > Domains > Redirects > Add a redirect in cPanel. 

As soon as we have finished installing the SSL certificate on our website, we must make any necessary changes to the website’s links to point to the HTTPS:// version of the website. This also notifies search engines that the new version of our website has been updated and should be indexed.

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