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How to resolve PHP has encountered an Access Violation

The PHP has encountered an access violation which is a critical system issue that will cause system corruption or even data loss.

Our technical team support will resolve the PHP has encountered an access violation under our server management plan. You can also take assistance from our technical team support 24/7 will handle similar issues or any sort of installation and migration.

 PHP has encountered an Access Violation

 Let’s have a glance at one of the error message in the windows server with the Plesk control panel.

PHP has encountered an Access Violation at xxxxxxxx

The major causes of the error : 

It may due to different folders in the DLL files with different versions.

If the server runs windows, then the issue is related to a memory leak in PHP or a PHP module.

Due to Eaccelerator extension from PHP.

Incorrect permissions of the temp folder.

Due to not working well of ZendOptimizer with PHP

Due to limits set in the application pool.

Resolving the error.

Initially, copy the file libmysql.dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\SWsoft\Plesk\Additional\PleskPHP5 to C:\WINDOWS\system32.

Later, you need to correct the PATH in environment variables.

Then try to put the PHP path (C:\Php) at the beginning of the environment variable “Path”.

The incorrect PATH

Path = %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wb The correct PATH :
Path = C:\Php;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX;

Later you will start noticing that there is something that doesn’t allow access to the resources.

It may be due to the memory limit that cloud be reached to this maximum limit, or due to the maximum limit of Inodes or any bad piece of code which holds the memory.

 In addition to this, this may occur due to the limit set in the application pool, go ahead and try to remove the accelerator extension from PHP this may resolve your error. Hence then add the system burden because Eaccelerator is something that will save the system resources.

We can find php.ini, usually in C:/PHP/php.ini or C:/winnt/php.ini or C:/Windows/php.ini.

Ensure there are read, write and execute permissions for

folder C:/winnt/temp or C:/Windows/temp.

For the ZendOptimizer, recommended trying another version.


In brief, follow the steps to resolve the error that occurs in the windows server with the Plesk control panel. You can also consult our technical team support for further assistance.

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