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How to Mount Backup Storage on an OVH Dedicated Server

Mounting Backup on OVH Server

OVHcloud’s dedicated servers provide additional backup space for storing critical data and configuration files. This scalable and secure space, separate from the main server, is ideal for mounting backup on OVH server.

1. Activate the backup storage

  • Access your OVHcloud Control Panel.
  • Choose your server from the Dedicated Servers section.
  • Go to the Backup storage tab and click on the Enable backup storage button.
  • In the popup window, click the Confirm button.

2. Configuring backup access

  • In the Backup storage tab, click the Add an access button.
  • Next, choose the IP block you want to authorize. 
  • After select the IP block, choose the protocol NFS for access and click Next button.
  • Confirm it by click Finish.
  • Now it will be authorized to access server’s backup storage with the selected IP block.

3. Installing NFS Client

Depending on your Linux distribution, need to install the NFS client and activate the NFS/portmap service.  Use the following commands to install.

yum install nfs-utils
systemctl start rpcbind
systemctl enable rpcbind

4. Mounting the backup storage

Create the directory to mount as the mounting point.

mkdir -p /mountfolder

Replace /mountfolder with the path where you want to mount
Then, Use the following command to mount

mount -t nfs HostName:/export/ftpbackup/ServiceName /mountfolder

Replace the following variables with your values.

  • HostName : The hostname of your backup storage system 
  • ServiceName : The name of your server (e.g.
  • mountfolder : path where you want to mount 

To ensure the mount work automatically at boot, add an entry to the /etc/fstab file.

HostName:/export/ftpbackup/ServiceName /mountfolder nfs defaults 0 0
5. Verify the mount

To check it has been successfully mounted, you can use command.

df -h

Once mounted, it will behave like a local directory. You can use commands such as cp and rsync to manage files.

If you’re looking for Mounting Backup on OVH ServerDedicated Server and need expert assistance, contact us. Our experienced team specializes in server management and can guide you through the entire process, ensuring a smooth and secure setup. Reach out to Skynats today for reliable support and peace of mind.

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