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How To Uninstall Plugins In cPanel-WHM?

The procedure for uninstalling plugins in cPanel-WHM is identical to the procedure used by the system version.

Take a look at the demonstration that our Technical Support team provided on how to uninstall a plugin in cPanel-WHM.

How to uninstall a plugin in 11.50?

In order to uninstall plugins from cPanel and WHM, choose the method of uninstallation that is compatible with the version of our system. Because version 11.50 of cPanel and WHM included an uninstall plugin script, users are no longer required to manually remove plugins from their accounts. This file communicates with cPanel’s dynamicui files so that they are aware of when our plugin has been uninstalled. A cPanel plugin can be removed by the user with the help of this method.

To use this script to uninstall a cPanel plugin, run the command:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/uninstall_plugin plugin_file –theme=theme_name

In this command, plugin file refers to the plugin installation file (a.tar.gz,.bzip, file, or an uncompressed directory), and theme refers to the cPanel theme that is to be uninstalled (paper lantern or some other valid theme on the server). Both of these files can be found in the plugins directory. If you do not specify the –theme option along with a theme, the script will only attempt to remove the plugin from the Paper Lantern theme if you are using that theme. In the event that the compressed plugin installation file does not contain an install.json file, the uninstallation process will be unsuccessful.

How do I manually uninstall a plugin in 11.48?

In cPanel & WHM versions 11.48 and earlier, Paper Lantern does not include an uninstall script. Follow these steps to uninstall a plugin manually:

  1. To begin, delete all files related to the plugin we want to uninstall.
  2. In the /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/dynamicui/ directory, delete the dynamicui_$name.conf file. The name of the plugin we want to uninstall is stored in the $name variable.
  3. The dynamicui_$group.conf configuration file should then be deleted. The name of the group in which the plugin is located is stored in the $group variable.
  4. At last, run /usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_sprites –quiet script to rebuild the sprites.

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