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Unable to establish the SSL connection using Wget


The Wget error is used to occur for a different reason, It might be that Wget is not properly supporting the Https downloads, due to secure protocol options or no check certificate and many more reasons.

Usually, the Wget commands are used to download the files from the internet through the command line.

Get assistance to solve the Wget SSL error or any other server issues. Our support export term will fix the issue on behalf of you. You can try and refer our server management plan to get it done under monthly server management. 

Fixing the Wget SSL error.

The Wget error is a generic issue that rises with a pop message “Unable to establish the SSL connection”.

The error usually occurs when the Wget doesn’t support the HTTPS downloads or sometimes, it’s due to the secure protocol option. In that case, our support team will fix this issue by adding the secure protocol option with a suitable protocol version like TLSv1 or TLSv2 etc.

Use the following commands to solve the issue.

secure -protocol=protocol

wget --secure-protocol=TLSv1

Wget error due to Date/time

Mismatch of date /time will cause the error to popup.

 Double-check that the date/time is correct and try to update (refresh) the SSL certificate as root in order to fix the error. Use the following commands to resolve the issue.

/usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates -- fresh


This blog helps you to resolve the Wget error occur and try to follow guidelines to solve the issue. If you still feel difficult in resolving the error. You can take help of our technical support term for further assistance.  

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