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What is Google Cloud Zonal Persistent Disk?

Are you interested in learning more about the Google Cloud Zonal Persistent Disk? We’re here to help with your questions and problems from our Google Cloud Support team.

Google Cloud Zonal Persistent Disk

A Zonal Persistent Disk in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a type of disk storage that is used to store data on a persistent basis. It is a disk that is physically located in a specific zone within a GCP region. This means that the disk is physically located in a specific data center and is only accessible to virtual machines (VMs) that are also located in that same zone.

Zonal Persistent Disks are suitable for use cases where data needs to be stored persistently and is accessed by a single VM, or by a small number of VMs that are located in the same zone. They are also useful for workloads that require low-latency, high-performance storage.

Zonal Persistent Disks can be created in a variety of sizes, ranging from 1 GB to 64 TB, and can be attached to a VM as a block device. They can be used as the primary storage for a VM, or as additional storage for a VM. Once a Zonal Persistent Disk is attached to a VM, it can be formatted and used just like a local disk.

It’s important to note that Zonal Persistent Disks are not replicated across zones or regions, so if you need to run your application in multiple zones or regions, you should consider using Regional Persistent Disks or Cloud Storage.

Additionally, if you need to scale your disk storage beyond a single zone, you can use Regional Persistent Disks, which are replicated across multiple zones within a region, or you can use Cloud Storage, which is replicated across multiple regions.

Persistent Disk Types

Standard persistent disks – Standard persistent disks are backed by magnetic drives and are best suited for infrequently accessed data, such as backups and cold data storage. They offer lower performance.

Balanced persistent disks – They are suitable for a wide range of workloads, including virtual machines, databases, and file servers. They are also more cost-effective than other types of disk storage, such as high-performance disks, while still providing a good level of performance.

SSD persistent disks – SSD persistent disks are backed by solid-state drives and are best suited for frequently accessed data, such as boot and application data. They offer higher performance and higher cost than standard persistent disks.

Zonal Persistent Disks

Zonal Persistent Disks are a type of disk storage available on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that allows users to store data on a virtual disk that is physically located in a specific zone. These disks are durable, high-performance storage options that can be used for a wide range of workloads, including databases, file systems, and more. They are also easy to create, manage, and attach to virtual machines. Additionally, data on Zonal Persistent Disks can be replicated within a zone for added redundancy and availability.

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