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WordPress: Move Page to Subpage

Let’s examine how to configure the WordPress move page to a subpage in more detail. Our Server Management Services at Skynats can give you a thorough breakdown of the entire procedure.

How can WordPress be used to move pages to subpages on a website?

The page can be moved around in the navigation after the content has been modified, or it can be designated as a main page or subpage. Follow these steps to change the hierarchy of pages or add new subpages:

  • Click the “Appearance” link on the left.
  • Then click the “Menus” tab, which is located on the left beneath the main Appearance menu. The new page can be added to the navigation menu by scrolling down and selecting new pages from the “Pages” list.
  • Click the “Add to Menu” button that is located underneath the list of pages in the “Pages” list. This will allow you to add the newly created page(s) to the navigation menu.
  • To change the order or create a sub-page, try clicking the rectangle button for that page on the far right side and drag it to the desired location. It will be slightly indented if it is placed as a sub-page.
  • To save the modifications, click “Save Menu” in the upper right of the menu box.

How do I move the WordPress move page to a subpage?

There’s a chance that we currently have a page that needs to be converted into a subpage. To view a list of all currently available pages, simply select the “Pages” menu option. Then, find the page to which we want to add a subpage, and click the “Quick Edit” menu item.

A new editing window will open with a “Parents” drop-down box on the right. Additionally, quick Edt allows us to choose the parent page. Then, at the bottom right, select the Update button. The page will now be converted into a subpage automatically.


We’ve now covered how to configure the WordPress move page to a subpage. We have learned how to move a page to a subpage with the help of our Tech Support team.

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