Case Studies

Cost Optimization in Cloud Services

Optimizing the monthly recurring bills on the cloud platform without compromising the performance, security, and quality of service.

Payment Gateway in Cloud Services

Implementing an architecture for a business to business payment gateway that must be compliant with PCI DSS level 1 nomes.

Healthcare Industry in Cloud Services

A fully optimized cost-efficient High Available architecture with security and compliance with HIPAA nomes and PCI DSS level three standards.

Real Time Replication in Linux Servers

A real-time file replication system with robust, self-healing and providing adequate stability to the enviroimnet.

Heavy Traffic WebServer in Linux

A custom-tailored system that can serve the maximum number of visitors with a minimal amount of resources.

Blender Clustering in Cloud Services

Implement a cluster of CUDA GPU servers in the DigitalOcean for rendering the blender files with optimal cost.