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How To Install CloudPanel on Ubuntu 24.04

CloudPanel is a free, user-friendly software designed for efficiently configuring and managing servers with a focus on performance, security, and simplicity. It supports the deployment of static websites, as well as PHP, Node.js, and Python applications. CloudPanel utilizes components such as NGINX, PHP-FPM, and MySQL/MariaDB, allowing you to easily manage domains, users, and databases etc..

Ensure you upgrade your system to the latest software versions before installing any new software on the server.

1. Access the server through SSH

ssh root@server_ip_address

2. Update the server

The system upgrade process and CloudPanel installation should be done with root privileges. You can do this by running the following commands

apt update
apt upgrade 
apt install curl wget

3. Install CloudPanel on server

CloudPanel requires certain packages to be installed on your system, as they are necessary for running specific commands. Begin by installing the required packages:

Run the CloudPanel installation script with the preferred database engine.

For MySQL 

curl -sS -o; \
echo "2aefee646f988877a31198e0d84ed30e2ef7a454857b606608a1f0b8eb6ec6b6" | \
sha256sum -c && sudo bash

For MariaDB

curl -sS -o; \
echo "2aefee646f988877a31198e0d84ed30e2ef7a454857b606608a1f0b8eb6ec6b6" | \
sha256sum -c && sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.11 bash

Once the installation is complete, the installer will provide the URLs to access the CloudPanel web interface.

4. Access the CloudPanel Control Panel Interface

After installation, you can access your CloudPanel using the URL below in browser

http://server_ip_address:8443 or https://server_name:8443

Disregard the self-signed certificate warning, select Advanced and then Proceed to access CloudPanel.

You will then directed to the Admin User Creation page, where you can set up an administrator user by entering details and configuring the time zone for your CloudPanel. 

Admin user creation for Installing CloudPanel on Ubuntu

Once these steps are completed, you can log in to your CloudPanel using the administrator username and password you created in previous step.

Install CloudPanel on Ubuntu| log in

After completing these steps, you will then directed to the Cloudpanel dashboard. CloudPanel has been successfully installed and configured on Ubuntu 24.04.

Need help to install CloudPanel on Ubuntu 24.04? Contact us for server support and troubleshooting assistance.

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